Lechrain Technology Park
The 3C-Carbon Group AG's offices are on the site of the former Lechrainkaserne barracks in Landsberg am Lech. The area is to be developed into a technology park in the coming years, supporting the continued positive development and expansion of the group.

In the scope of a campus concept, future development plans for the site include staff and company flats, exhibition and meeting spaces, childcare facilities, restaurants, a works doctor and a spa/gym.

The concept also takes advantage of the site's proximity to the Lechrain nature conservation area to include a nature education pavilion as well as a playground with petting zoo.
Architecture project - Working and living in harmony with nature

EUROPAN is the biggest design competition for urban planning and architecture. The 13th edition began on 2 March 2015 at around 50 sites around Europe. In the context of the project, more than 2,000 young architects and planners addressed the current issues facing urban planning and developed visionary ideas and strategic concepts for selected situations in various locations around Europe. 3C-Carbon and Landsberg am Lech took part with a local recreation area to the South of the city. The 3C-Carbon Group AG's Lechrain Technology Park is at the centre of the competition area, and is to be expanded to the North with an industrial residential area.

Follow this link for the results of EUROPAN 13. Landsberg/3C-Technology park winner is listed on pages 146/147.

Press releases on the development of the Lechrain Technology Park
24. November 2015
Kreisbote article: Frische Impulse für den Landsberger Süden PDF-DOWNLOAD
21. October 2015
Kreisbote article: 3C am 3C-Ring PDF-DOWNLOAD
16. October 2015
Augsburger Allgemeine article: 3C - Carbon hat schon seinen Ring PDF-DOWNLOAD
12. September 2015
Augsburger Allgemeine article: Ein einmaliges Projekt PDF-DOWNLOAD
18. February 2015
Kreisbote article: Große Pläne am "3C-Ring" PDF-DOWNLOAD
06. August 2013
Augsburger Allgemeine article: Investieren und weiter expandieren PDF-DOWNLOAD
09. August 2013
Kreisbote article: Hightech hinter Maschendraht PDF-DOWNLOAD
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